DappRadar & BGA: Activity in blockchain games in Q1 2023 declined
However, enthusiasts are still positive about opportunities.
791.4k UAW (Unique Active Wallets) have been registered in blockchain games in Q1 2023. This is 8.58% lower than in the previous quarter.
The share of games in the overall amount of UAW in Q1 2023 is 45.6% - this is higher than in Q4 2022. DappRadar sees there as a bullish signal, but my humble opinion is that other verticals just declined more.
The top-5 games by UAW in Q1 2023 - Alien Worlds (223k), Splinterlands (127k), Planet IX (62k), Nine Chronicles (22k), Upland (21k).
$739M has been invested in blockchain games in Q1 2023.