Google: Mobile Gaming Insights in 2022
A lot of users playing games just because they're bored.
People are starting playing games because of being bored (56%), having spare time (53%), and needing relaxation (53%).
37% of users are playing two games. Only 2% are playing 7 or more games.
For 83% of gamers, localization is important.
67% of users are sure, that games must have different (including inclusive) characters and stories.
37% of gamers are founding new games through App Store / Google Play search; 35% - because of the social media ads; 34% thanks to friends’ recommendations; 34% - through in-game ads; 33% - with YouTube videos help.
34% of gamers in the last 6 months spent money on in-game currency. 30% have bought characters or/and items. 29% spent their money on unlocking characters or cosmetic items.
Different motivations are driving people when buying gaming items. There is a wish to speed up the progress; an opportunity to make the gaming experience better; a desire to make a collection.
75% are neutral or positive about in-game ads.
Current trends are cross-platform games, cloud gaming, and ESports. Future trends are metaverse, VR, and AR. At least people think so.