Intelligence sources (PC/Console/Mobile)


Used and verified

  • SteamDB - “Database of everything on Steam”. A lot of useful data for free. One of the main intelligence sources on Steam for me.

  • Newzoo - the most comprehensive PC/Console solution on the market. No free version is used by a large number of companies - from small to enterprise.

  • VG Insights - one of the best Steam tracker tools. Can bring data on sales, and audience; and shed light on the whole genre. Prices are affordable for all kinds of developers, even indie.

  • GameDiscoverCo Plus - another great PC/Console analytical tool. You’re getting access to a comprehensive amount of data alongside the weekly special edition of a newsletter, which I highly recommend everyone to join.

  • Gamalytic - and another great tool that I’m using for verifying PC/Console numbers. The big advantage - it’s free!

  • Games Sales Data (GSD) - access to the real data of PC/Console physical and digital sales in Europe on a great level of granularity.

Yet to use

  • PlayTracker - claims to bring the data on PC & Console, but never had a chance to use it.

  • SteamSpy - at some moment I think the development of the service paused, and other tools (like VG Insights or GameDiscoverCo Plus or Gamalytic) replaced it for me.

  • Circana - a very powerful tool that provides data on the US market based on real information from retailers and publishers (just as GSD). Heard it’s very good.


Used and verified

  • - powerful and very convenient analytical tool for all that is connected to mobile. Using it for years and it’s just very good.

  • AppMagic - a relatively new service in the hood, however, the offering is pretty similar to & Sensor Tower, and prices are more affordable, especially for indie developers.

  • Sensor Tower - a main competitor of with the killer feature of marketing creatives analysis. Heard from many people that it’s very convenient.

  • Apptica - creative analytics tool. Has some store intelligence, but it’s far behind in these terms compared to, Sensor Tower, and AppMagic.


Used and verified

Yet to use

  • Gamesight - I know some fellow ex-Plaion guys, who are using it in day-to-day work, so I presume it’s good. However, never worked with it myself.

The list is not full and I’ll be glad to update it with more useful resources. Please, drop me a line on Linkedin or via