Interesting insights! Thank You for sharing. What is your methodology to calculate conversion rate from Wishlist to unit sold? I couldn't spot your sources or the way you calculated this. Sorry if I missed it!

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Hey! Thanks, the source is here - https://newsletter.gamediscover.co/p/how-user-reviews-affect-your-games - and the methodology too ;)

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Thank You 👍

So if understand well, the model has 30% error margin on 70% of the data set and the conversion methodology is “total wishlists/sales ratio here, not just direct wishlist to sale conversions” so it does not take into account the split between organic sales, paid sales (UA campaigns, influencer driven etc.) OR direct conversion from wishlist to actual sales.

Is that a correct assumption of your work?

Don’t get me wrong I find it impressive but I also wanted to know more precisely what I was looking at.

Again Thank You for doing this!

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You're right, it's total wishlists; not divided by organic/paid. Great questions - and you're always welcome ;)

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